Tagging Made Easy By Oopgo

Oopgo is the answer for businesses that have experienced difficulties when it comes to tag management.

market-segmentationThe effective deployment and management of a website presents a complex challenge for many organizations. Without the proper tools and strategies, it will be difficult if not impossible for a firm to maximize the effectiveness of this critical resource.

Tag management can play a crucial role in this regard. Tags can improve efficiency, while saving money for digital marketers. However, in a recent study by Econsultancy, it was found that many companies experience difficulties when it comes to tag management. For firms that struggle with this task, Oopgo is the answer.

Tag importance
Econsultancy’s research, which was conducted in conjunction with Tealium, included input from more than 300 qualified respondents who represented a wide range of companies.

Participants demonstrated strong appreciation for the importance of tag management. Eighty-seven percent of respondents agreed that “effectively managing website tags is fundamental to digital marketing.” Nearly three-fourths of participants stated that tag management reduces costs and 70 percent of tag management system users indicated that time to market is minimized with the technology. The process was also highlighted as an important tool for offering and overseeing privacy tools, as well as overall website speed.

The study concluded that website tags play a much larger role than some realize. Not only are they useful for SEO and search hierarchy, but they connect individuals across an organization at the fundamental level.

Tag challenges
While the study emphasized the value of website tags, it also highlighted many of the challenges organizations face. Eighty-eight percent of respondents agreed that digital marketing will continue to become more complex as data-driven tools become the standard.

Firms that lack the necessary tools may struggle to manage their website tagging efforts, and this can have a detrimental effect on virtually every aspect of the organization. That is where Oopgo comes in.

The Oopgo answer
For organizations looking to upgrade their tag management abilities, Oopgo is an invaluable tool. Oopgo’s Customer Interaction Recordings (CIR) Intelligence Suite gives companies the ability to create and deploy completely customizable tags. With Oopgo, a firm can develop tags that can complement unique targets, providing greater oversight and efficiency while keeping costs low.

As tag management becomes increasingly complex, the need for advanced tools will grow. Industries change, competitors innovate and grow, and markets become more difficult to reach. In order to stay ahead of the competition, Oopgo’s tag management offerings are essential.