Technology Startups Receiving Increased Investor Focus

Oopgo is now being sought after by venture capital and investment firms looking for new data analytics and accumulation.

financeFor the past few years, Silicon Valley has placed a significant percentage of its interest and money on social media-related startups. However, The New York Times recently reported this is no longer the case. Venture capital and investment firms are now looking to technology startups focusing on data analytics and accumulation, like Oopgo.

Data trends
The news source noted that large-scale data mining represents one of the hottest fields currently attracting investor interest. This is largely due to growing awareness of big data analytics and its wide range of potential applications.

Oopgo represents one new technology startup that perfectly fulfills this growing demand. With Oopgo’s Live Customer Interaction Recordings™ Platform, for example, firms gain unparalleled information regarding how individuals interact with web offerings. In real time, users can see the entirety of a customer’s website experience, gaining invaluable insight. Oopgo records every mouse click, keystroke and scroll, all of which reveals how well or poorly a particular web offering is performing.

The right solution for the right customer
One of the most important aspects of any big data solution is customization. For big data analytics to provide valuable reports, the solution must be flexible and capable of meeting the specific goals of a company. Startups are expected to offer such a high-level of adaptability to justify investor interest and spending. Yet few startups can offer Oopgo’s level of customization. With Oopgo, firms of all industries and sizes can gain critical insight from the data at their disposal. From multinational corporations to small businesses, Oopgo users can gain the edge they need to stay ahead of the competition and optimize offerings for customers.

For enterprises aiming to improve their operations and investors looking to find a promising startup partner, Oopgo is the answer. With its unique advanced analytics, intelligence capabilities and unbeatable dedication to service, Oopgo is one startup worthy of the hype.